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Academic Portfolio

What is an "academic portfolio" and why is it important?


A BHS Academic Portfolio is comprised of six parts: an Individual Plan of Study (IPS), a high school resume, personal statement ideas and/or a personal narrative, a community service/volunteer log, a copy of a high school transcript, our school profile and our Activities List.  When combined into one document, students will have a record of the classes taken in high school, grades earned, grade point average, class rank, Career Pathway, ACT/PSAT/ASVAB test scores, proposed post-secondary class options for two years, a record of community service.volunteer hours, a record of honors and school involvement and a narrative/synthesis of experiences and challenges faced thus far in life.


The value of an academic portfolio will become immediately relevant during a student's senior year.  The academic portfolio is essentially a "cheat sheet" in applying for colleges, honors programs and/or scholarships.  All the information required on applications will already be done and thoroughly reviewed in the academic portfolio before being officially submitted

Individual Plan of Study - Freshmen

Individual Plan of Study - Sophomore

Individual Plan of Study - Junior

Individual Plan of Study - Senior

Click on the link to learn more

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